Monday, December 3, 2012

My First Post and Mission Statement

admin pic, no h8 plz. 

There is a war going on for your mind

I have come to enlighten you about Federal and NY State Politics. I am a party of one, and you are encouraged to express your beliefs, ideals, and stances, whether for or against my own. Facebook page  @ The Progressive Jacobin  -TPJ

At TPJ, We pledge the following:

1. To present information from the most primary sources possible for discussion. Op-ed references and secondary sources will be noted so as to distinguish fact from theory from opinion. This is paramount.

2. To present my own viewpoints on a topic and arguments supporting it, as well as possible counterpoints and opposing viewpoints with supporting arguments and centrist/Third way options with unanimous focus by Admin and Users on mounting an empirical viewpoint and a 360 degree look at each topic presented. 

3. Encouragement of any political discussion to support, amend or oppose the positions and stances addressed by the Admin, therefore creating this blog into an actual Debate Forum for discussion, as opposed to me just rambling.

4. To try to be humorous and make political discussion 'fun' and most of all INFORMATIVE! 

The blog is the expansion of the Facebook page. Here I will be writing in depth posts on various topics in current Federal, NY and (sometimes) Global politics. I get heavy with the metaphors and the sarcasm sometimes as I find it often simplifies things (not so much the sarcasm, but I'll lay it on thick for ya so theres no confusion). I will use in text links to things I mention, like my favorite online newspaper does as well, to better give understand of what I mean, for example when I talk about The Fiscal Cliff, and I don't feel like explaining the entire concept. I will also be sure to mention when I am linking to facts, as opposed to the Op-Ed of a Fiscal Cliff Playbook for Democrats. I hope these examples explain my proposed methodology well enough.  I will stand in favor of ideas from the left and the right, as will I stand in opposition to them. From Republicans to Democrats, Conservatives to Liberals, Libertarians to Greens, Tea Party to Occupy, 99% to 1%, Federalists to Democratic-Republicans, and Fascists to Communists, you are all welcome but no one is safe. You have been warned.
Description: The Revolution will not be televised

TPJ is a blog, debate forum and Facebook page dedicated to the discussion of Politics. Opposing and concurring viewpoints are welcome, this page is not for me, it is for the purpose of creating a better informed electorate through the spreading of factual information and its relation to politics. - the key to an effective Democracy. Only by informing ourselves of all sides of an argument can we make a well informed decision or stance. Please, debate and argue, but attacks on personal level are discouraged. Just because someone doesn't agree with you, doesn't mean they are wrong.

"If you don't turn on politics, then politics will turn on you."
-Ralph Nader, Former Green Party Presidential Candidate

And don't forget to like the page! We all know how "likes" (referred to as #£ in this blog), are the currency of the Facebook Economy and my GPL (Gross Page Likes) is a mere 2£. Help me grow and prosper, and bear with me while I master the art of the political blog as we help ponder and theorize the jump start of the American economy through our first topic: The United States Fiscal Cliff. 


Thomas Paul Justice IV
Perpetual President, Supreme Commander and High Magistrate of the People's Republic of the Loft

P.S. In the mean time, if you are looking for a reasonably simple explanation of the Sub-prime mortgage crisis and the resulting Great Recession and Trillion dollar deficits, here is this awesome infographic. 

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